अंधविश्वास,डायन (टोनही) प्रताड़ना एवं सामाजिक कुरीतियों के खिलाफ जनजागरण

I have been working for the awareness against existing social evils,black magic and witchcraft that is prevalent all across the country and specially Chhattisgarh. I have been trying to devote myself into the development of scientific temperament among the mass since 1995. Through this blog I aim to educate and update the masses on the awful incidents & crime taking place in the name of witch craft & black magic all over the state.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Superstition is the main cause of witchcraft

The incidents of castigating innocent women on allegation of witch spell in thecountry are happening day to day. Many of the incidents do not come into light of common people. Those incidents in which castigation has gone beyond limit, fatal injuries and murder of the women reach to police or press or social organization. In some cases people do not reveal the incident due to infamy. In some cases castigating group is so power full that due to its influence the case is hush up or settled.
The incidents of lashing of women on the name of witchcraft which became headline in the newspapers are not confined to one region and province but information about such incidents come from every part of the country as well as in whole world. However most of the cases are found in undeveloped & developing region. If we see some incidents which hits the headline the newspapers the reality of humanity and modern society will come in tolight. Burning alive of two women in Oratand of Godda district of Jharkhand, beheading of an old woman in Bajra village under Bajra PS of Ranchi, burning alive Mutari Baiin Targadi village under Etaki PS, murder on suspicion of witch by Gansu Singh in Japakapona village of Simdega district, murder of Asha Devi by Chopper in Jhujhri village under Kalayanpur PS of Samstipur in Bihar, cutting throat of Madhu Nayak of Mayurbhanj district in Orissa, feeding dung after saying a woman witch in Dahiyagira village of Rourkela, murder of Suryain sarang, the incident of making naked Noni ekka in Tesar village, beating of old Kumaidi Bai in Khelabh village under ketia PS of Badwani in MP, on suspicion of witch of rumali ben, Sanga ben, Keso ben made them walk in Village, Murder of Semwati Bai in Khalwara village of Mandla MP, Murder of Radhika in Badagar of Ambala and making naked a women in Budhna of Mujaffar Nagar and beating her binding in post Show the mirror to the society. We have informationof 71 murder out of 160 witchcraft cases in Chhattisgarh, Out of these incident there are cases of lashing of 14 years girl to 80 years old women. This are some examples which due toblind faith on suspicion of witch indicate lashing of women.
Our society has entered into 21 century. One the one hand it consider itself as modern on the other hand different kinds of superstition’s are rooted in society. The incident of lashing women on the name of witch is known as witchcraft. Witchcraft is a major superstition of the country superstition and witch-spell act causes women lashing at many places even now-a-days. There is a surprising thing in this connection is that far away from the light of literacy taking illiterate villager’s even educated people too believe on these to some extents. Women being made seapegoat of superstition incident of women lashing due to superstition are shame for educated society. There is still doubt in the mind of many educated men or citizen whether witch have some super natural power, whether they can harm others economically, physically and mentally. Whether witch has any miracle power. Is it the only way to drive away the alleged witch woman from village or murder her to same the villages from her witch spell people fulfill superstition propagating about witchcraft.
Even today the news related to lashing of women in the form of witch in newspapers and magazines draw our attention. Whereas many cases do not come into light Declaring a woman witch and lashing her physically, beating her, due to mental torture she has to either leave house and go out of village or she herself commit suicide or in many cases she is declared guilty and in murdered. Such incident of woman lashing happen mostly in villages and towns. Due to superstition the incidents of woman lashing in a matter of shame for civilized and educated society.
Before Independence education and health facilities were very less in the country. For education how how to go rules to attend school and colleges in villages and town for treatment villages held to depend on quake and exorcist. After independence the condition has improved to some extent. But even today due to old reorganization and value, in villages if a child suffer from fever , pain in stomach, anorexia, weeping in night, insomnia, less production of crop in village, less rainfall or too much drown- power, animal falling, death of animals for all kinds of odd situation villagers think that all these are due to witch craft and ill-sight. People waste their time and wealth going to exorcist and take emulate from them.
Exorcists begin to talk about witch craft and whole village begin to search the witch. The witch in the village due to whose witch craft the child has fallen ill, harvest has not produce as it should have been and there was loss in the business. There are same people in village who declared a woman witch. A propaganda in spread against the woman and slowly the villagers form against her. Many stories are said against the so called witch.
The women declared witch are belongs to generally poor family’s old, widow. Some times they are issueless (infertile) woman. There are few members in the so called witch women’s house. Poor and solitary woman are not capable to oppose collective planned conspiracy. First of all that woman in said to remove the ill which she brought on that family. Actually it is not possible for her ar because she has not done any thing and witch craft, slowly ill treatment in meted out to that woman she in lashed, beaten and than society boycotted and efforts are being made to her away from village. The news about such type of incident do not reach to our civilized society. Many incidents do not come into light. After publication these type of incidences in newspapers why not influence social consciousness and awareness.
Many type of rumors are spread due to blind faith. Don’t go to that woman otherwise she spell magic don’t take anything from her and eat children are taught such type talk. Children are frightened by these rumors . The artifice of spell load and being down the same will continue. If some one mischievously kept a piece of red clothes, chilly and lemon on some ones door, then the talk of witch craft start. The atmosphere of illusion and fear is created in villages and towns. The woman is declared witch and thus she is lashed and in this way the story end here. It is essential to imposed effective ban on woman lashing on the name of witch because even today there are many such villages where inspite of literacy and adult education people has blind faith on exorcists , magic and witch craft. No one claim to see destructive and miracle power. On the other hand all people help in propagation of rumors
There are some effective ways through which so called witch and witch lashing problem can a solved let us discuss on these ways. Since these cases mostly happen in villages, town and small towns, so there can be effective and active role of police, doctors, teachers village panchayat, social organization. If a case come into light solution of that case in possible. Kotwar, Serpanch should take local citizen the moment they get the news about witch lashing and by to solve the problem. If a man or a child fells ill in the village the patient should be treated by doctor because micro harmful germs causes illness or disease. If the disease is treated in early stage it can be completely cured. Villagers should not take help of exorcist for treatment of disease. There are other causes animal disease. Similarly there are natural causes for famine , less rainfall, flood, extreme hot and earthquake. All those are not due to miracle and evil spirit and power of a man or a woman. So to say a woman witch is wrong because the woman who herself in not able to profit her family, how can she be capable to harm others. Social activities should go to Panchayat, Town and they should tell the people truth. Media can also play effective role in it. Government should consider to impose ban on T.V. different channels which telecast the serial based on witches ghost spirit. The help of Panch, Doctors and teachers can be taken drama artists should convince people through drama that all men and women are equal in society. No one can harm others by so called miracle power. It such incidents come into light in inception then any woman of the society can be saved from the curse of being a witch. In this way blind faith can be uprooted from the society.