अंधविश्वास,डायन (टोनही) प्रताड़ना एवं सामाजिक कुरीतियों के खिलाफ जनजागरण

I have been working for the awareness against existing social evils,black magic and witchcraft that is prevalent all across the country and specially Chhattisgarh. I have been trying to devote myself into the development of scientific temperament among the mass since 1995. Through this blog I aim to educate and update the masses on the awful incidents & crime taking place in the name of witch craft & black magic all over the state.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

what we do?

We are voluntarily working since 1995 for eradication of superstitions and social evils.Due to illiteracy and lack of health awareness people believe in various superstitions particularly in rural areas.The intensity is a bit lower in urban area.They also have blind faith in ghost,spirit,black magic,witches jhad phook,astrologers and so called god men.This resulted in growth of numerous fake astrologers,palmist,foreteller,baigas,gunias etc.
Many cases reported in chhattisgarh where the villagers tortured and killed the innocent women in belief that she practices tantra-mantra,evil spirits and it causes misfortune and illness of villagers.This type of cases also happened in Bihar,Jharkhand,Orissa,Maharashtra,Assam,Rajasthan,UttarPradesh,Madhya Pradesh and some other states.We are working for those innocent women.We help them and provide treatment facilities,moral support and security.We are also working for rehabilitation of such innocent women.
Since forming of our unit we have sucessfully worked aganist these social evils existing in society and now the people believe in our logical explanations given during our field work we have been sucessful to give a boost to scientific thinking and temperament among public.We have arrange lecturers,seminars,village meeting,scientific experiments illustrating the reality of so called miracles and mysterious events to educate the public.We are a group of doctors,scientists,engineers & experts of various field.We now want to expand our activities I hope that you will guide us to eradicate superstitions and social evils from society.


onkar said...

This kind of blog and websites are need of the hour because lots of baseless information is being telecasting and displaying on the internet and electronic media which is misguiding our illiterate and poor people.Doctor Mishra's blog will be very benificial for the society .it will be helpfull for eradication of supersitition and evils.This blog is much benificial because it is in both Hindi and English .Hindihartland will be much benifited.Everybody should take benifit from it and contribute their opinion freely in the interest of the humanity.

onkar said...

This kind of blog and websites are need of the hour because lots of baseless information is being telecasting and displaying on the internet and electronic media which is misguiding our illiterate and poor people.Doctor Mishra's blog will be very benificial for the society .it will be helpfull for eradication of supersitition and evils.This blog is much benificial because it is in both Hindi and English .Hindihartland will be much benifited.Everybody should take benifit from it and contribute their opinion freely in the interest of the humanity.

onkar said...

very nice blog please try to educate indian public and save them from cheaters.

onkar said...

why Astrology is a pseudo science ?

Cheating and looting is on in the name of astrology even than
UGC has introduced astrology as a scince subject in some universities ,to start with. many right thinking people scientists,scientific bodies and rationalists et al have rithtly opposed such a move as a laymen, I feel astrology should not be made a science subject for study as it is not proved science subject as per scientific norms/principle.It is very disputed subject as per its method and ideology.many astrologers like palmist, kundali, hastarekha ,face reading tero card card reader have devised their own rules and principle for prediction they are predicting hotch potch and ambiguous prediction which can be analysed according to situation and events after its occurrence.they did not predict clear and specific prediction with specific place, date and person where events or calamity occure which person will be died on what time and on which place accicent will happen.
ancient Babylonians ,Sumerians and Indians studied the universe and could predict seasons and eclipses based on the movement of the sun and constellations.
they discovered the zodiac and named several stars.these were based on years of experience and observation. Still they could not discover more than 5 planets,one satellite, moon, and the sun.
mistakenly the shadows of the moon and the earth were taken as planets rahu and ketu. with this limited knowledge af astronomy the ancients arbitrarily built up the pseudo science of astrology. It looks like a sciene but is not a science as per its method /knowledge.
The lacuna lies here .The predictions are based on assumptions not observations.Vague theories not based on strict reasoning and substantiated by experiment .the belief that planets known to astrology have influence on man sounds unrealistic. These should also have influence on us.The evil effect as has been propogated by astrologer during solar and lunar eclipse proved wrong and baseless .scientist did not agree with their view.peoples are forced to do baseless ritual on the religious and astrologers ground by astrologers.
planets do not influence humans only but also animals. all terrestrial abjects influence each other in some way or other assuming that planets influence man only, does not qualify astrology to be a science.
the fact that a large part of our population believes in astrology or calls it a science does not make it a science .In a country where a large section of the people are illiterate ignorant and superstitious ;whatever is said passes of for a science with meaningless reasoning and a few calculations.
little effort is being make to prove or disprove it as a science. some discussions are held papers are written for or against it and the people’s faith in astrology is maintained.
It is highly objectionable to permit such a doubtful and baseless subject in the masses as lots of cheating and looting going on this matter by astrologers taking the benefit of immense faith of the people in the religious matter .They did not do argument regarding these matter that’s why they are being cheated by themselves.
some astrologers are claiming treatment from astrology for incurable diseases inspite of it is not a system of medicine.As per law of the land nobody can do treatment without having approved qualification and registration for practice.there is a law drug and remedies advertisement (objectionable) act 1954 to check such malpractices but government officials ,educated people and mediaperson also does not pay much attention.
Being a civilized citizens of India we have to check such malpractices for the well being of our masses and country.

onkar said...

well done dr dinesh mishra and rationalists and people of scientific attitude under who's pressure serial about rebirth has been banned.try to emphasise more pressure on govt. and media to educated people and promote reformists attitude in the public.